black and white bed linen


I must work the works of Him that sent me while it is day; the night cometh, when no man can work. (John 9:4)


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Verah Orhobor Ministries is a crystallization of all that God has spoken over the years. A vision of multitudes being trained and galvanized for this end-time harvest. A response to the cry in God’s heart for a generation to arise, get enlisted and trained. A city of refuge where men and women are discipled and raised as active labourers in God’s end-time harvest.


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Radio/TV ministry

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The souls are out there, so we go to them and ensure they come to Christ.

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woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

"I'm grateful for the profound impact Pastor Verah Orhobor has had on my life, from our first encounter during the secondary school outreach program to her ongoing teachings and guidance.

Blessing Lucky

The teachings and community support at Verah Orhobor Ministries have truly changed my life for the better.

Jane O.
